Training for supervisors

Since 2009, the Doctoral Schools of the COMUE UBFC have been organising a training course on PhD student supervision, entitled “From knowledge of the PhD student and analysis of the thesis process to the appropriation of support tools”.

The aim is to raise awareness among supervisors about the importance of implementing a specific type of management based on relationships with PhD students. The objective is also to optimize the supervision skills of supervisors so that they can best support PhD students, from the appropriation of the thesis subject to the development of autonomy in the practice of research, up to the development of a professional project in the field of research or outside. This training was evaluated very positively by the colleagues from the uB and the UFC who followed it (sixteen groups between 2012 and 2019).

This training is organised in 3 modules of 2 days each, the training is aimed at researchers or associate professors who are candidates for the Habilitation to conduct Research (HDR) or/and who are in a situation of co-supervision of PhD students, as well as supervisors who already have the HDR.

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