Host laboratories

Institut FEMTO-ST – UMR 6174

Page d’accueil Femto

Head : M. Michaël GAUTHIER

(Tutelles: CNRS, UBFC)

AS2M (Automatique et Systèmes Micro-Mécatroniques) Head : Pr. Yann Le Gorrec

  • Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)
  • Biomedical Micronanorobotics (MINAROB)
  • Strategies for Perception and Characterization at the micro and nanoscopic scales (SPECIMEN)    
  • Design and Control of Micromechatronic Systems (CODE)

ENERGIE Head : Pr. Mickaël Hilairet

  • Medical physics, radiation protection and biocompatible material
  • Energy metrology and instrumentation
  • Multiphysical and multi-scale modelling of energy phenomena

DISC (Département d’Informatique Systèmes Complexes) Head : Pr. Karine Deschinkel

  • Distributed Numerical Algorithmics (AND)
  • Distributed Systems and Networking, Collaboration, Scheduling (CARTOON)
  • Optimization, Mobility & Network (OMN)
  • Verification and validation of embedded software and systems (VESONTIO)DMA

DMA (Département Mécanique Appliquée) Head : Pr. Philippe Picart

  • Materials and Structures
  • Microcharacterization
  • Shaping, fabrication
  • Vibration and Acoustics

MN2S (Micro Nano Sciences et Systèmes) Head : DR. Vincent Laude

Bio-Microdevices (BMD)

  • MIcro NAno MAterials and Surfaces (MINAMAS)
  • Micro-nanotechnology for physical sciences (MOSAIC)
  • Phononics and microscopy

Optique Head : Pr. Maxime Jacquot

  • Non linear Optics (ONL)
  • Opto-Electronics, Photonics and optical Telecommunications (OPTO)
  • Nano-Optics (NO)

Temps-Fréquence Head : Pr. Yann Kersalé

  • High stability oscillators
  • Acousto-electronics and Piezoelectricity
  • Time and Frequency metrology

Nanomedecine lab, Imagery and Therapeutics

Lien vers Nanomedicine Imagery and Therapeutics

Deputy Head : Amir HAJJAM EL HASSANI   

(Tutelle UBFC)

  • Diagnostic axis: Imaging, 2D and 3D reconstruction, tracers and contrast products
  • Therapeutic Axis: Nanovectorization, theranostics, tissue reconstruction, medical devices
  • Health Systems Organization Axis: Knowledge engineering, AI, decision support, logistics and optimization.

Imaging and Artificial Vision (ImVia) - EA 7535

Page d’accueil ImVia

Head : Franck Marzani

(Trusteeship: CNRS, UBFC, Paris tech, agrosup Dijon)

  • COmputer vision for REal time Systems
  • Functional and Molecular Imaging and Medical Image Processing
  • VIsion for roBOTICS – ERL CNRS 6000

Burgundy Computer Science Laboratory (LIB) - EA 7534

Page d’accueil LIB

Head : Pr Olivier Togni

(Tutelle UBFC)

  • Combinatorics networks
  • Geometrical modelisation
  • Data science

Distributed Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence (CIAD) - EA 7533

Page d’accueil CIAD

Head : Christophe Nicolle

(Tutelle UBFC)

  • Perception, qualification of the accuracy and value of knowledge in a massive intelligent environment
  • Distributed reasoning on heterogeneous information system interoperability
  • Prescriptive, recommendation and simulation for complex and distributed systems.

Research Department in Vehicle Engineering for the Environment (DRIVE) - EA 1859

Page d’accueil DRIVE

Head : Pr. Sidi Mohammed SENOUCI

(Tutelle: UBFC) 

– Composite materials

– Vibrations and acoustics

– Energy, Electronic Propulsion and Environment

Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB) - UMR6303

Page d’accueil ICB

Head : Pr. Stéphane GUERIN

(Tutelles: CNRS, UBFC)

Design, Optimization and Mechanical Modeling (COMM) Co-Head: Dir : Pr. Samuel Gomes et Pr. Sébastien Roth

  • Advanced mechanical systems design
  • Numerical modeling and optimization in mechanics
  • Heat transfers and thermo-physical couplings
  • Quantum information for the nanoscale integration of quantum communication protocols
  • Optimization of manufacturing processes

Process of Metallurgy, Durability, Materials (PMDM) Co-Head: Pr Gilles Caboche et Pr Cécile Langlade

  • Assemblies & surfaces functionalization by high energy processes (Laser, Electric Arcs, Thermal Projection)
  • Thermal and/or electrochemical corrosion of metals and alloys
  • Powder metallurgy: metal and ceramic powders, mass compaction and additive manufacturing
  • Fuel cells, high temperature electrolysis and hydrogen storage
  • Numerical modelling and simulation (from atom to process)

IRAMAT - Institut de Recherche sur les ArchéoMATériaux

Name : IRAMAT – Institut de Recherche sur les ArchéoMATériaux
Head of the laboratory : Sylvia NIETO-PELLETIER
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