General training

General training is managed at the level of the doctoral college.

You will find all the sections and courses given in cross-disciplinary training in the following online catalogue:

Télécharger le catalogue

You can follow training courses in research ethics and scientific integrity online on the FUN MOOC platform. To do so, a request for approval must be sent to the SPIM secretariat. These MOOCs are open for doctoral students who are far away from the UBFC University or who do not speak French and by decision of the director of the doctoral school. Moreover, the validation of MOOC hours in your PIF is not automatic and the number of validated MOOCs is limited to two for a total of 28 hours. You will have to return your MOOC follow-up attestation to the SPIM administrative staff for the validation of these training hours.

MOOC integrité scientifique

MOOC éthique de la recherche