You must submit your defence request on ADUM at least 2 months before the date of your defence .
Following documents must be joined to your defence request on ADUM :
- Your individual training plan. CAUTION : your individual training plan must be complete when you submit your defense request on ADUM (Minimum 100 hours except if exemption, of which minimum 9 hours in Ethics and Integrity and minimum 3 hours in Open Science). If not, your defense request won’t be validated
- Your manuscript (first submission)
- List of your publications
Without these 3 documents, your request won’t be validated by the Doctoral School.
- To write the thesis in English a request must be transmitted to the doctoral school (Specific form below at the bottom of the page).
- A French title and an extended summary (about 10 pages for French-speaking ) are mandatory.
- The defense in English is authorized for non-French speakers. French speakers must defend in french language but the presentation support can be in English.
- Dematerialized defence : If all the jury members, including the president of the jury, are in video conferencing, the defence will be dematerialized. The PhD student must specify on his/her defence request on ADUM both the URL of the defence virtual room open to the public and the virtual room for the jury discussions. All the members of the jury will have to fill and sign the delegation of signature form and return it to the doctoral school office.
- If you defend your thesis before December, 31 2023, you don’t need to re-enroll, you don’t need to pay CVEC.
- If you want the European Label, you must check it on your ADUM profile when you make your defence request.
- The deadline for defending a thesis at UBFC in the current academic without administrative re-enrollment is set to December, 31.