Off-list training

BE CAREFUL : Each off-list training must be validated by the doctoral school BEFORE the training : you must send an e-mail to the doctoral school with the detailed program and the validation request form below completed. Without the agreement of the doctoral school, you will not be allowed to follow the training.

The courses validated in the “sciences” section are courses referring to the state of the art of the scientific field to which they are addressed. These courses are not meant to providing tools and methods to solve well-formalized problems, but rather to point out the limits of modelling and problem solving in the research field at the global level. A course in the “sciences” section therefore aims to situate the tools and methods of a scientific areas in relation to one other, to open up to current scientific problems of an area and to provide indications for the implementation of advanced tools though this might represent only part of the course. On the other hand, these courses are scientific in nature and are not necessarily focused on the subject of a particular PhD dissertation.

How to request validation of an off-list training from the SPIM doctoral school

Training courses which are not on the lists validated by the ED SPIM must be subject to prior validation by the ED, to be included in the Individual Training Plan. For this you must fill out this form:Télécharger le document pdf formations/formulaire-demande-validation-formation-hors-liste

Please note that: you must not forget to attach the detailed training program content with the form. The training cannot be accounted by simply submitting attendance proof of the training. Instead, you must also attach the training program detail with the above-mentioned form. Then the hours will be recorded when the attestation of attendance is provided.

Send your request to Alika ROSSETTI ( for the Besançon site, Céline DAUBIGNEY ( for UB and Chainez BOUSSAHA ( for UTBM.

National Network of Doctoral Schools in Engineering Sciences (SPI)

The National Network of Doctoral Schools in Engineering Sciences (SPI) also offers training, see the website: